SVIC FinTech Program

by Marc Jarrett in on December 4, 2019


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2018 was a historic year for fintech. Globally, fintech deals reached $41.7 billion in the first half of 2018, across 789 deals. Of these deals, 38% were worth over twenty million dollars. These numbers point to a maturing fintech ecosystem as both startups and investors identify clear paths to commercially viable fintech applications.

Within the Silicon Valley fintech ecosystem, this maturity is evident as numerous fintech startups, including Robinhood, Plaid, Upstart, and Stripe achieve startling valuations on the back of staggering growth and groundbreaking innovations.

The Silicon Valley Innovation Center “Navigating Fintech Disruption” program is an immersive five-day experience for financial services executives that introduces them to the Silicon Valley fintech innovation ecosystem.

Through interactive talks and workshops by industry specialists, as well as visits to Silicon Valley fintech startups, participants learn how fintech advances in Silicon Valley are affecting the financial industry, with the aim of understanding how to apply such innovation practices within their organizations.

The program equips participants with the needed knowledge and practical tools to learn about emerging technologies in financial services and to lead digital transformation in their company by becoming an innovation leader.

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Date Created 04/12/2019
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